Karen Hokanson Miller

Classroom Lessons

Classroom Lessons

for Better Reading and Writing Skills

Write Your Own Ending

Read an excerpt of Monsters and Water Beasts and write your own ending.

  • Learning to anticipate by questioning and seeking answers in the text is one of the primary keys to better reading skills.
  • By writing his/her own ending and then comparing it to another person’s story (or the actual book) is one way to develop this skill.
  • Further, picking up on context clues and incorporating them in their own writing requires close attention to detail and typically means reading the text more than once.
  • These too develop better reading skills.

Create Your Own
Monster Art

To see what other students have created, visit the Monster Gallery →

Printable Activities

Cut out and mix & match monster parts.
Download the PDF →

Get the Monster out of the Maze
Download the PDF →

Best selling books

Monsters Book Cover

Monsters and Water Beasts: Creatures of Fact or Fiction?


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A Troll's Tale

The Ghostly Tales of Winston-Salem

The Ghostly Tales of Southwest Pennsylvania

The Ghostly Tales of Columbia

The Ghostly Tales of the Catskills

The Ghostly Tales of the Adirondacks

The Ghostly Tales of the Rio Grande Valley